Next Duchesne Principal Announced


Duchesne High School is pleased to announce the appointment of Kurt Schneider ’93 as the new principal, beginning with the 2025-2026 school year. 

A 1993 graduate of Duchesne, Schneider earned a bachelor’s degree from the University of Missouri, St. Louis, and a Master of Arts in Education from Lindenwood University. 

This year will be Mr. Schneider’s twenty-second year in Catholic education. In addition to teaching, he has spent 17 years coaching baseball, basketball, and golf. He joined the Duchesne faculty in the fall of 2014 as a science teacher. During this time he coached golf, helped launch Duchesne’s house system, and served as a house dean for six years. Two years ago, he joined the administrative team as the dean of students. 

“Kurt ‘bleeds blue’ and is very familiar with the Pioneer community,” said Duchesne President Paul Boschert ’77. “He will be a great leader in his new role as principal. I look forward to working with Kurt in his new administrative role.”

“Duchesne was a huge part of my life growing up, and I was ecstatic to return home after being away for so many years,” said Schneider. “These past ten years have been a terrific experience as I have served in a number of roles. Duchesne is thriving, and I am honored to serve as the next principal as we forge our path into our next 100 years.”

Kurt is a member of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish.