Duchesne High School is excited to welcome sixth and seventh grade students to our campus for our annual Pioneer for a Day! On Friday, April 25, 2025, students will have the opportunity to experience student life at DHS and see what makes being a Pioneer so special.

Join us for a FREE, fun-filled day with exciting activities! From 8 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., sixth and seventh graders will be paired up with our very own Student Ambassadors and enjoy STEM activities, athletics, music, prayer, experiments, and more!

Complimentary pizza lunch and DHS t-shirt will be provided. If the student would rather bring his/her own sack lunch, please feel free to do so. Students are asked to wear active clothing for activities.

For more information, please contact Dana Bryan at 636.757.6932 or dbryan@duchesne-hs.org.

Pioneer for a Day Registration

  • Male or Female?
  • Student's Interests (check all that apply)
  • My child has permission to be photographed. The photographs may be used for marketing purposes.
  • Stay in touch. Click HERE to sign up to receive texts about future DHS events. 

  • The applicant named above is able to participate in Duchesne High School's Pioneer for a Day event, and I know of no restrictions, physical impairments or any other factors which in any manner limit his/her participation in the program. I hereby waive and release Duchesne High School staff from any liability for any injury or illness sustained during the event.
