College Search

 Parents and students have access to Family Connection linked with the Naviance website. Naviance is a service that we use to help with college and career planning, college applications, scholarships and ACT preparation.

College Board
The College Board offers a comprehensive college search and planning program. 

U.S. News College Search
This Web site is another source for college information, including a tool to evaluate your interests, aptitudes and abilities.

The Missouri Department for Higher Education (MDHE)
MDHE gives information on the following:

  • Planning & Paying for College (A college savings plan, parent and student loan information, a student reminder service and more)
  • Missouri Department for Higher Education Central (legislative updates, higher education budget status and more)
  • Academic Affairs (information about accreditation, reciprocal programs, tuition and fees and more)

College View
Search over 3,500 campuses, including two-year and four-year institutions, community colleges, technical schools and trade schools.

 More and more schools offer the opportunity to take a "virtual tour." The web site to explore this service is: